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Core shooter FOUNDRY AUTOMATION Hotbox

  • Reference: 9000003784
  • Section: Foundry Liquidation

Brand: Foundry Automation


Type: SM20A1

Serial number: 97057B

Year of manufacture: 1998

Process: Hotbox with chroning sand for hollow cores

Dimensions: Length: 2290mm; Width: 2294mm; Height: 2590mm

Max core box dimensions (vertical separated): 300 x 510 x 30/30mm

Side clamping dimensions: 510 x 300mm

Max. side stroke: 520mm

One side is immobile, one side has stroke and swivels downwards

The core is deposited onto a conveyor belt with ejectors

Hotbox machine, heating with propane

With sand feeder + hopper for Chronig sand

Injected sand bakes on the sides and forms a hollow core

With current control system

With hydraulic unit